APA Style
BODIE, Zvi, KANE, Alex, MARCUS, Alan J.. (2010).
Essentials of Investments (Edisi 8).
New York:
McGraw Hill.
Chicago Style
BODIE, Zvi, KANE, Alex, MARCUS, Alan J..
Essentials of Investments.
Edisi 8
New York:
McGraw Hill,
Teks (Monograf).
MLA Style
BODIE, Zvi, KANE, Alex, MARCUS, Alan J..
Essentials of Investments.
Edisi 8
New York:
McGraw Hill,
Teks (Monograf).
Turabian Style
BODIE, Zvi, KANE, Alex, MARCUS, Alan J..
Essentials of Investments.
Edisi 8
New York:
McGraw Hill,
Teks (Monograf).