APA Style

FIELDS, Edward. (2011). The Essentials of Finance and Acoounting for nonfinancila Managers (Cet. 2). New York: Amacom.

Chicago Style

FIELDS, Edward. The Essentials of Finance and Acoounting for nonfinancila Managers. Cet. 2 New York: Amacom, 2011. Teks (Monograf).

MLA Style

FIELDS, Edward. The Essentials of Finance and Acoounting for nonfinancila Managers. Cet. 2 New York: Amacom, 2011. Teks (Monograf).

Turabian Style

FIELDS, Edward. The Essentials of Finance and Acoounting for nonfinancila Managers. Cet. 2 New York: Amacom, 2011. Teks (Monograf).