APA Style

Barton, Greg, Lie, Hua, Ahmad Suaedy,. (2016). Biografi Gus Dur : the authorized biography of Abdurrahman Wahid (Cetakan 1). Yogyakarta: Saufa.

Chicago Style

Barton, Greg, Lie, Hua, Ahmad Suaedy,. Biografi Gus Dur : the authorized biography of Abdurrahman Wahid. Cetakan 1 Yogyakarta: Saufa, 2016. Teks (Monograf).

MLA Style

Barton, Greg, Lie, Hua, Ahmad Suaedy,. Biografi Gus Dur : the authorized biography of Abdurrahman Wahid. Cetakan 1 Yogyakarta: Saufa, 2016. Teks (Monograf).

Turabian Style

Barton, Greg, Lie, Hua, Ahmad Suaedy,. Biografi Gus Dur : the authorized biography of Abdurrahman Wahid. Cetakan 1 Yogyakarta: Saufa, 2016. Teks (Monograf).